Found Object/Final Project










Artist Statement
            I really enjoyed the mold-making assignment, and decided I wanted to expand on it in some way. Since I related that project to my BA Portfolio work, I thought I would bring in more elements from my other paintings. My favorite painting I made this semester included little teacups that looked like flowers with butterfly handles, and since my mold-making assignment included a cake and a glass, I thought it would be interesting to hone in on the weird/creepy childhood tea party theme by making even more fish-babies and fruit, and also making the tea cups and incorporating a goldfish I had sculpted earlier in the semester while thinking of ideas. The fruit, to me, seemed like pieces of innocence, but like the fish-babies in the martini glasses and the cake, also felt like a reiteration of this theme of "consumption" and commodities. 
            I began my process by making more plaster molds of my fish-babies and strawberries. I sculpted the tea cups using clay, I also decided to sculpt a few cherries and used wire for the stems. I painted everything using acrylic paint, and in my search for an idea of where to put my fruit, I found a little plate that I decided to paint the same pink that is present throughout all of my portfolio work. I also found a goldfish I had sculpted out of clay at the beginning of the semester when I was making sketches and trying to come up with ideas. I decided I wanted the fish to be in a little puddle in the middle of my tea party, and I placed the fish in an actual puddle of glue on a plastic bag that I warped to make wavy edges. After the glue was dry, I used acrylic paint on the fish and puddle, and I used more colors from the palette I have been working with in my classes this semester. I placed my new batch of fish-babies in another martini glass and my fruit on the pink plate after I used a spray fixative on everything to make it all glossy. 



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