
Showing posts from May, 2023

A Natural History of the Senses Relief Sculpture

  Ode to the Melipona Foam Board, Wire, Tracing Paper, Gel Medium, Wood Glue, Paper, Spray Paint, Fabric, Perfume 14 in x 8 in x 20 in  Angle #2 Angle #3 Detail #1 Detail #2 The sculpture explores scent as a material, as vanilla perfume was used on the fabric lining. This decision was based on the popular scent and flavor of vanilla, and the shape of the sculpture was inspired by the fact that only one type of bee pollinates the orchids from which vanilla pods can be harvested. I wanted to visually communicate the look of a bee hive while including the scent of vanilla to bring attention to the natural way that vanilla is produced. Most vanillas that we smell or taste have been hand pollinated, and I felt that bringing attention to the fact that most of us have never tasted or smelled real, natural vanilla is important and allows us to ponder just how many lab-produced products we are consuming so frequently.  In Process In Process In Process Inspiration #1 Tonya Hart https://www.tonya


Laundry Day Felt, Thread, Fabric 2 in x 1.5 in x 2.5 in Full Angle #2 In Hand The sculpture explores a personal memory that I experienced as a small child. I used to sit in my mom's woven laundry basket while she did laundry, and she would put the warm, clean clothes around me once they were done drying. I chose to wove felt into a small pouch to communicate the softness of the memory, even though I was contained. I decided to weave the felt because the woven nature of the basket stood out in my memory as an important detail. I chose a golden color for the thread because my mom wears gold jewelry, as do the rest of the women in her family, so gold is an important color to me. I made the choice to make the fabric attached to the pouch but still able to be taken out, as the little red ball of fabric is supposed to represent me within the basket. I chose red as the color for the fabric because the memory is warm, my mom has red hair, and recently I have been paying homage to her by dy